Tuesday, June 11, 2013

お母さん Mini Rose

お母さん gave me a mini yellow rose cutting. It has faded to a nice white, and I have now cut the plant a few inches from the flower to make a new cutting. Wish me luck in having 2 mini rose plants!

Not sure what I did, but after I snipped off the top part of the rose, the bottom part of the rose plant died... wtf... Now I am praying the upper half (which bottom has been soaked in water) will survive.

I didn't throw away the bottom part of the rose, since the stem was still green. Now new leaves have sprouted. I guess it went into shock when I cut it. The top half still hasn't grown new roots yet.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Organic Sources of Nutrients

from Stuart Robertson's "Tips on Container Gardening"

Alfalfa meal (nitrogen)
Blood meal (nitrogen)
Bone meal (phosphor)
Cottonseed meal (nitrogen)
Crab meal (nitrogen)
Egg shells (calcium)
Feather meal (nitrogen)
Fish meal (nitrogen)
Fish bone meal (phosphor)
Granite dust (potassium)
Gypsum (calcium, sulphur)
Hoof meal (nitrogen)
Kelp (potassium)
Limestone (calcium, magnesium)
Manure (nitrogen, phosphor)
Rock phosphate (phosphor)
Shrimp meal (nitrogen)
Soybean meal (nitrogen)
Woodash (potassium)

Have you taken your N, P, P today? Seriously, where can one find some of these more exotic nutrients?
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